Friday, August 03, 2007


A Perfect Environment to Promote Your Distance Learning Program

Today, August 3rd, the third successful issue of Distance Learning Today will reach a total of 3.3 million readers in major, selected markets of USA TODAY. USA TODAY is the nation's most popular national newspaper, with a committed readership of educated, affluent consumers who are committed to advancing their careers and their family's good fortune. Pick up a copy today or download it here! ( Link to PDF)

The 4th issue of Distance Learning Today is scheduled for Friday, November 9th. It will be packed with useful, informative articles and is the perfect vehicle for you to extol the benefits of your distance learning program. The advertising space close is September 25th.

Distance Learning Today, sponsored by the United States Distance Learning Association, is a 16-page, four-color advertorial that makes potential consumers aware of the fast-growing phenomena of online learning. The publication tells them how to take advantage of online courses and degree programs that can turbocharge their careers. It is the only publication that reaches such a large audience of potential users.

If you want to be part of Distance Learning Today and reap the benefits in the November issue or throughout 2008, please call Marilyn Maccio @ 1-800-915-6877 or

Download your copy of Distance Learning Today (Click Here)

"NEW" International Center for Distance Learning Research and Praxis

announce the creation of

The International Center for Distance Learning Research and Praxis:

Strengthening and promoting education practitioners worldwide through research on Distance Learning


Our global borders are quickly vanishing. People of diverse cultures, genders, nationalities, and age groups abound. Even in the midst of this global shift, education remains the most powerful platform to progress in our “flat world”. Distance learning opens the opportunities to obtain education without the constraints of location and time. It is the national skill needed in the 21st century.


The International Center for Distance Learning Research and Praxis is a practitioner’s resource for Distance Learning research and its influence on Pre-K through Grade 12, higher education, home school, continuing education, corporate training, military and government training, and telemedicine. The focus of the Center is on research to guide the development of policy and application for distance learning. It strengthens the connections between education research and the worlds of policy and practice in Distance Learning. The Center examines and supports Distance Learning programs and serves as a conduit for transferring knowledge and solutions to solve global problems and launch international initiatives. By serving as a repository for best practices and by engaging successful practitioners in distance learning ventures, the Center seeks to advance education and lifelong learning using effective distance learning to achieve positive results.


The Center is located at the Fischler School of Education and Human Services (FSEHS), Nova Southeastern University (NSU), 1750 NE 167th Street in North Miami Beach, FL and at the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) Building at 8 Winter Street, Suite 508 in Boston, MA. The Center is operated through a joint partnership between NSU-FSEHS and the USDLA. This joint partnership affords an established reputation that bridges numerous programs of postgraduate study in the fields of education and related human services from NSU-FSEHS with the well-respected independent work drawing from USDLA’s distinguished board and advisory members.


The Center conducts original research, undertakes evaluation and training consultancies, publishes reviews and summaries, and engages in professional development activities related to Distance Learning. The research scope is broad and far-reaching ranging from learning and teaching application, financial and issues of access, the strategic use of technology in distance learning settings, and other factors that may influence distance education. These activities contribute to setting the research agenda particularly in relation to basic education, teacher training and higher education.

Contact USDLA for more information at 1.800.275.5162.